Do YOU struggle with lack of energy, feeling tired, exhausted?
Perhaps you have always been “heavy” your whole life, always struggled with your weight… or maybe you just reached that magical age where your metabolism SLOWED way down. Are you carrying around that “baby weight” but it has been years since you gave birth?

Do you choose “health-ish” meals? Do you eat no fat or low fat foods, drink diet soda, and eat those fruits and vegetables and STILL find yourself stepping on the scale only to find there has been NO CHANGE?

Maybe you have tried all the diets out there including juicing, fasting, or cabbage soups and lose those pounds ONLY to have them creep right back on.
Do you dread getting dressed in your favorite jeans because you just know you will feel uncomfortable at best (if you can pull them over your hips at all?!)
When you look in the mirror do you have to practice that “positive self talk” just to hide that deep heartfelt disappointment that you absolutely know YOU could feel better in your body!
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Stay CALM and Close your eyes …

Imagine your food cravings floating away.
Imagine a day of eating only what's good for you.
Imagine hypnosis actually helping you lose weight—because the news is:
It does.
When I tell people how I make much of my living—as a nurse coach hypnotist- hypnotizing people slim—they inevitably ask: Does it work? My answer usually brightens their eyes with something between excitement and incredulity.
Most people don't realize that adding hypnotic trance to your weight loss efforts can help you lose more weight and keep it off longer.
Hypnosis predates carb counting and restrictive diets by a few centuries, but this ancient attention-focusing technique has yet to be embraced wholeheartedly as an effective weight loss strategy.
Until recently -well relatively.
In the mid-nineties reanalysis of 18 hypnotic studies showed that psychotherapy clients who learned self-hypnosis lost twice as much weight as those who didn't (and, in one study, kept it off two years after treatment ended).
Hypnosis has remained a well-kept weight loss secret.
This mind-over-body approach could help you get a handle on eating.
Go ahead. Start to see for yourself.
Hypnotic Secrets

Proven Program
As a certified health coach, nurse, hypnotist: the program I utilize and create for many clients differs from the traditional diet programs.

Testimonials from Clients
My program addresses the entire lifestyle, not solely the “diet” and this creates lasting habits that serve your best physical and mental self.

Three months ago today I began the journey of rediscovering me! It continues to be one of the most amazing transformational of journeys in mind, body and spirit and I’ve only just begun! Amazing! Thank you coach, for believing in me so that I could begin to believe in myself! So grateful!"
- Carrie D.

I have been a Yo-Yo dieter my whole life! I was a chunky kid, who was bullied. I did not have many friends, so food was my comfort. Two marriages that ended up in divorce, one of them being very controlling and abusive, again food being one of my best friends. Some of the hardest words that have rung true to my ears came from my oldest daughter when she told someone, “my mom has been on a diet my whole life!” Painful, but true! I would go anywhere from 235 pounds (that being my heaviest) down to 180 pounds, never under that, and then eventually old habits and emotions set in and back up I would go.
In June of this year I was tired of not having any energy and battling this weight again. I had reached above 200 pounds in March. I talked with my coach and after seeing my niece and a co-worker having great results decided to start this journey!
I have gained so much more than the 43 pounds that I have lost. Not to mention that my migraines that I have had all my life are much better and I have been taken off of 2 preventative medications. This program and the community support it provides gives me so much confidence to succeed in things I never thought possible. I passed my original goal of 165 pounds and hit my new goal, well just under my new goal of 155 pounds. I weighed in at 153 pounds! The wonderful thing about this program is it is constantly challenging me. Bring on the goals!!!"
- Kimberly C.

Want to know more? I'd love to hear about your health & your GOALS!
I offer discovery calls regarding any service including this awesome healthy body program.
This is a complimentary 20 minute virtual session. Quick Question but not wanting a CALL? Click here to contact me.