Save Your Seat!

Do you Fail at Goals?

Whether you Make Them, Break Them, or Abandon Them All Together

 This is your YEAR!!

Goal setting becomes an early expectation -  in school, work, and then those dreaded "New Year Resolutions" - SOMETHING NEEDS TO CHANGE! RIGHT?!?

Each and every year, more time than we like to account for, we are asked to "set goals".

  • Have you come to despise them, in a way, perhaps avoid them all together?
  • Maybe you only "set" ones that are the "no-brainers" - they are already happening and you got it in the bag!
  • Do you ever think, "what is the point, really?" And then follow that with something like "I can't do that", "I won't make it even if...", "I don't deserve that", or "I don't have what it takes to... " 


  • Have some of your goals come easily and yet others fall short, change significantly, or need to be aborted all together?

Why are some goals so easy and some goals seem so tough? And soon we are falling into old habits, same ol' routines, and nothing changes... Maybe next year is your year, right? Think again.


Save Your Seat!

What if there was a better way to... 

1. Find What

What is Really Important to you, down deep. Your values, what really drives you, and motivates you. 

2. Recognize Resources 

All that you have experienced in life leaves behind a trail of tools for you. Uncover and use those valuable discoveries. 

3. Identify

those pesky thoughts, uneasy feelings, negative emotions, inner self-sabotage, and limiting beliefs.  


Our world LOVES goal setting, but we fall short on GOAL-GETTING

Ā Introducing:

Ā  "Unleash Your Hidden Potential"

Ā A 2-Day Hypnosis Goal-Getting Event!

Ā Two workshop options from which you can choose:


Current Course is SOLD OUT

Time 8 am to 4 pm Pacific Time Zone (Los Angeles)


Hi There, I am Christy. I will admit goal setting was ALWAYS painful for me. And I was a HUGE skeptic of this process initially. However, I will show you EXACTLY how I was able to get UNSTUCK.

Most would describe me as a mother, wife, professional nurse/coach -and well, small business owner. But in reality, I am so much more than that. And so are you.

Society may put us in boxes, but that doesn't mean we have to stay there. So let's break free from who we think (or others think) we should be and start living the fulfilling life we deserve- that we may have only dreamt of; until now.

Join me on a journey of self-discovery - become CONFIDENT, PURPOSEFUL and UNSTOPPABLE. The tools I share will be unlike those previous years of floundering resolutions and stuckness. 

"Exploring values is always helpful, and this process was no exception!

It really helped to put them into categories.

Christy did a fabulous job listening, holding space, and helping everyone to feel comfortable!

I would absolutely recommend this class!”


"Releasing negative emotions has been such a relief for me.

This week alone, I had a few things come up that normally would have sent me into constant anxiety, stomach turning with worry, wouldn’t be able to sleep, and honestly just stressed out beyond belief….. [you] can unlearn behaviors that limited me before.

Trust myself.

Trusting my own mind.

Trusting my unconscious and conscious. Every moment felt so profound!”



YOU'LL Be amazed at what you can LEARN.

Re-think how you THINK about your future, your goals, your dreams.  

This 2 day event will teach you new, proven, and powerful ways to: 

  • Take back control of your dreams- control over your life
  • Forget willpower & force - Discover 'mind power' & flow
  • Create UNSHAKEABLE Goals that work to achieve much success
  • Reactivate your soul purpose to inspire unimaginable joy!

Retrain Your Attention

Life is busy. Learn how to tune it all out and uncover what is really important to you. Align what you desire tomorrow with how you think today.

Regain The Driver's Seat

Work on any area: business-romance-personal-finance-more -- you decide! Course correct in one area leads to success in others. 

Discover Your Future

A New Year - perfect timing! You'll create meaningful connections and have masterfully custom curated experiences that will inspire change like you have never known before. 


Don't miss out!

What is it costing you in the long run to not set and accomplish your goals? 

The cost of not doing this may be

  • to continue to play small
  • settling for mediocre
  • being stuck...even afraid to change
  • wanting to set the "same exact goal" next year because you already know you won't achieve it.

 To break these patterns, you could get 1:1 coaching, support, or attend various live conferences.  Coaching can run in the thousands of dollars (even if it IS worth it!!!)

One session of behavioral therapy runs between $350 and $500 per hour.


In this 2 full days you get access to expert support for 14 hours or more and walk away with the tools to DO THIS YOURSELF again in the future!


"I went from being afraid to show up in my business...

to reaching my goals, and being able to truly release my habits that betrayed my joy. 

Stepping into the role of Brave Revolutionary Creator, and  KNOWING that I can and WILL create the impact on the world that I envision."

Tori D.

"I have learned to be patient and understanding with myself.

I have learned that I am capable of doing the things that I feared....

Christy is amazing at what she does! Her quiet, calming voice makes it easy to listen."

Kimberly C.

"what was a treasure from the class….

you need to start doing something, if you say, I'll try, well you're not doing anything...

... you do something or you don't do anything!

Little steps make the difference … and God gave me a great gift  …to me was the epiphany.

And I haven't stopped since then, so thank you!"


2-Day Hypnosis Goal-Getting Event

Unleash Your Hidden Potential

Dig deep and discover who you really are and design how you will get there. 

Virtual spots are limited. Save yours today!

Questions can be emailed to [email protected]


Save Your Seat!