$3,090.00 USD

NLP One Time Payment of $3090

You will receive a certified training to become a Practitioner of NLP and TimeLine Therapy (TLT)®

Your investment includes:

(Total Training Valued at over $7,000)

This program includes: 

  • INCREDIBLE LIBRARY of tools and resources. Over 12-Hours of NLP Practitioner  how-to and explanational VIDEO  in a mobile app. Lifetime access, even as the library grows (more than $1895 value)
  • Two required and highly regarded text books and comprehensive student manual complete with full protocols, scripts, and reference guides ($125 value)
  • Electronic Course materials and downloadable handouts to build your own tool kit! ($500 value)
  • Over 40 hours of real-time practice and learning - experience all the techniques yourself with expert Master Practitioner Guidance (invaluable).
  • NLP Practitioner and TimeLine Therapy® Practitioner Certification Training. Meets all Board Requirements (over $4000 value for NLP and TLT).

Plus unbeatable support/community in the MasterMind! (incredibly generous, many masterminds are $$$)